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Il faut se planter pour fleurir.
unknown //
Aloa! My name is Kai Krause and I'm filled with passion for abstract painting and contemporary art. Currently livin' in Magdeburg, Germany I'm happy to share my work and get in touch with you!

So if you're interested in any kind – don't hesitate and ask a lot of questions!  Cherrio :)
It’s easy to see my love for vibrant colors and how they’re able to create so many different layers. With the high  viscosity of my pre-mixed colors it allows you to track the momentum and energy of the stroke movement and make them visible. So it offers a lot of power and a pinch of coincidence. Everytime it is this coincidence which forces me to step back again and again to take a new look on the piece but at the same time it reveals so many small details and facets that I couldn’t have planned.
Sooooo if you're interested in seeing more of my work you can hop over to all my artworks right here.
RE-Arrange, Berlin
Mystique, Magdeburg
Auf den Punkt, Hildesheim
Advent im Ravelin, Magdeburg
9. Kunst/Mitte, Magdeburg
Kai Krause Magdeburg contemporary art
Maybe you wanna join me on Instagram?
If you want to get in touch just write me a love letter.