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signature in black

Kai Krause is a contemporary artist

who creates layers of movement and energy
through his vibrant colors.
Kai Krause Profile Picture
a canvas on a living space wall
Thoughts about the creative field of work
Kai will not tell you what is the essential about a piece rather than you absorbing what the canvas tells you – combining that with your own life-experiences to ultimatly find your  own "truth".
Kai Krause picture in a gallery in front of his canvases
// since 13.03.2024
Resident artist at Duk-Galerie, Magdeburg
Exhibitions & Dates
// 24.08. – 27.08.2023
9. KUNST/MITTE, Messehallen Magdeburg
// 08.12. – 09.12.2018
"Advent im Ravelin", Ravelin Magdeburg
// 09.12. – 10.12.2017
"Advent im Ravelin", Ravelin Magdeburg
// 17.12. – 18.12.2016
"Advent im Ravelin", Ravelin Magdeburg
// xxxx. – 2013
Group-Show "Auf den Punkt", HAWK Hildesheim, Hildesheim
// 01.06. – 28.07.2013
Group-Show "Mystique", TGA-Gebäude, Magdeburg
// 12.02. – 18.02.2011
Group-Show "RE:arrange"- Als Antwort steht die Neuordnung, Freies Museum, Berlin
background image closeup on canvas details
closeup of a canvas